Greenbriar of Citrus Hills

Board of Directors Meeting

July 19, 2023

 Board of Directors meeting was held on July 19, 2023 at the location of Villages Services, 2541 N Reston Terrace, Hernando FL  34442.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order on July 19, 2023 by Gerry Jones, President at 7:01p.m.  A quorum was established with four (4) board members in attendance.

Board of Directors in Attendance:

Gerry Jones, President, Harvey Gerber, Vice President; Dave Wheeler, Secretary and Skeet Shyner, Director.    Also others in attendance with Geri Bond, Community Manager and 15 homeowners from Greenbriar of Citrus Hills.

Proof of Notice:

Meeting signs were placed on all mail boxes throughout the complex at 5:00 p.m. Monday, July 17, 2023. 

Adopt of Agenda:

A Motion was made by Gerry Jones, President to adopt the amended agenda as follow: Under old business review and discuss the increase in FGE price for condo signs, under new business to be added Approval of Appraisal for purpose of condo insurance, discuss updating the current reserve study dated April 2016, and approve signing of the new pool contract with DS Pool Service, seconded by Harvey Gerber, ALL IN FAVOR.

Guest Speaker: 

A Motion was made by Dave Wheeler, Secretary for the President, Gerry Jones to sign the Letter of Authorization, seconded by Harvey Gerber.   ALL IN FAVOR.

Discuss was made with Mike Murphy from  PropRevs, talking to the community about the alternatives to Spectrum.  Mr. Murphy explained the other companies available to provide internet service to the association either as Bulk or retail.  The association will receive income from each homeowner that joins to the new services as a door fee approximately $250 to $400.  That amount would be determine by each vendor selected to provide bids.  Hot Wire, Blue Stream and Spectrum will provide bids for the association to review.   Blue Stream and Hot Wire would provide fiber Optic directly to each unit of the complex.   A letter of authorization will need to be signed for this process to begin

Approval of Minutes:     A MOTION was made by Harvey Gerber, Vice President to approve the following minutes as presented, 1/14/22, 1/26/23, 3/31/23 closed meeting. 5/7/23 closed meeting, and 6/20/23 closed meeting, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary.  ALL IN FAVOR.


A MOTION was made by Gerry Jones, President for approval of the expenditure for the signs ($535.30) that are required by the Citrus County Health Department for the pool area, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary.  ALL IN FAVOR.   A MOTION was made by Gerry Jones, President for approval of the expenditure for the dumpster sign ($240.49) informing homeowners what “Is Not Allowed” in dumpster, also included two additional small signs for pool “No Diving”, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary.  ALL IN FAVOR.

A MOTION was made by Harvey Gerber, Vice President to accept the difference in pricing since the proposal was signed off on 7/11/22 and installation did not happen till May 2023, seconded by Gerry Jones, President.  ALL IN FAVOR.  Discussion was made in regards to the cost increase from FGE for the condo complex signs.  The original bid proposal was in the amount of $11,395. The actual invoice was for $13,477.90.  The difference was due to original bid had 19 address with 19 signs mounted, however at time of installation the association had 23 signs mounted with an increase of $30 for each mount, installation charge was increased to $900 versus $750.  The original bid price did not have tax included.  Tax on this project was $762.90.  Discussion was made to look into solar lighting for the signs at a later date.

A MOTION was made by Gerry Jones, President to ratify the expense from Irrigators invoice in the amount of $3,960 for the irrigation zones 1- 7, seconded by Harvey Gerber, Vice President.   ALL IN FAVOR.   Discussion was made that more work is needed and will revisit the irrigation zones bids provided by Irrigators at a later date.

A MOTION was made by Gerry Jones, President to accept and install a flume behind building 16 coming down from building 5 in the amount of $7,300 installation provided by Gardner’s Concrete, seconded by Dave Wheeler.  ALL IN FAVOR.  Discussion was made in regards to the total project behind building 16 due to a homeowner proceeding with the first repair without consent of a board member.  A MOTION was made to get a legal opinion on all these expenses due to this issue for the association legal counsel, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary.  ALL IN FAVOR.

A MOTION was made by Gerry Jones, President to accept the expense of $870 Suncoast Plumbing and $109.67 payable to Al Dias, homeowner at 303 E Hartford 2A, due to backup sewer into unit.  This was due to intrusion in the sewer lines, tree root, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary.   ALL IN FAVOR.   

A MOTION was made by Gerry Jones, President to ratify the cost of repair to 195 E Hartford 6A, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary.  ALL IN FAVOR.  Discuss was made the cause of this leak was a cooper pipe above the kitchen area.   This was the association’s responsibility.

A MOTION was made by Gerry Jones, President to accept the prepared agreement for two units 2105B & 0302A.  This agreement is for delinquent assessments, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary.  ALL IN FAVOR.

A MOTION was made by Gerry Jones, President to remove two trees, one on Hartford and one on Glassboro.  Three bids were obtained.  Motion was to awarded Tim Messere Tree Removal, in the amount of $1,600, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary.  ALL IN FAVOR.

New Business:

A MOTION was made by Gerry Jones, President not to reimburse homeowner for this expense, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary.  ALL IN FAVOR.  Discussion was made regarding 65 Hartford 4A landscaping.  Prior maintenance supervisor removed pavers and informed owner he would replace with stone.  This took place approximately 5 years ago.  The association has given this homeowner 10 bags of stone.  Received a call from homeowner stating it was not the correct color and he would be purchasing his own stone to complete the landscaping.  Would like to be reimbursed by the association, approximately $300 to $400.

A MOTION was made by Dave Wheeler, Secretary to being inspecting all carport attic space for hazardous material, seconded by Harvey Gerber, Vice President.  ALL IN FAVOR.    Discussion was made that Dave Wheeler, Secretary was going to create a criteria for what would be permitted in the carport attic space.  A letter will be prepared to all homeowners with carpet attic space to inform them about the criteria and to perform an inspection.

A MOTION was made by Dave Wheeler, Secretary to permit Willie’s Painting carpentry crew to start inspecting and preparing estimate costs all back stairs coming out of the units, seconded by Skeet Shyner, Director.  ALL IN FAVOR.  Discussion was made if the Association maintenance could help with this project.

A MOTION was made by Gerry Jones, President to approve the financial statements from January 1st, 2023 through June 30, 2023, seconded by Harvey Gerber, Vice President.  ALL IN FAVOR.

A MOTION was made by Dave Wheeler, to accept the bid from RCM Utilities to install the new well tank and to work along Suncoast Plumbing for installation, seconded by Gerry Jones, President.  ALL IN FAVOR.  Discussion was made in regards to the three bids received by the Association, JAP Quality Services, A. Covell Electric, and RCM Utilities.  The bid was awarded to RCM Utilities.

A MOTION was made by Dave Wheeler, Secretary to accept the resignation of Spiro Colivas, Treasurer, seconded by Gerry Jones, President.  Skeet Shyner, Director was in favor of accepting the resignation, however Harvey Gerber, Vice President was not.   Motion passed with majority of the board accepting the resignation.

A MOTION was made by Harvey Gerber, Vice President to have a Thank you letter composed and sent to Spiro Colivas, thanking him for all what he has done for the association and he will be truly missed, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary.  ALL IN FAVOR.  Hopefully he will consider returning to the association board at a later date.

A MOTION was made by Harvey Gerber, Vice President to leave the treasurer position vacant until the annual meeting in February, seconded by Dave Wheeler.  ALL IN FAVOR.  Discussion was made that there will be three positions open at this annual meeting, Gerry Jones, Harvey Gerber, and Spiro Colivas.

Discussion was made in regards to the letter from Florida Department of Environmental Protection.  The letter received was generated from a complaint from a homeowner anonymously filed in regards to the boil notices and breaks in the line.  Has a conference call with the agent the Association nor the Community Manager, as well as the tech for the water plant was aware that these boil notices were to be sent to the Department.  Going forward that is corrected.  Also the agent informed us that any penalties will be waived due to this situation.  The Association has to engaged Suncoast Plumbing to install back flow prevention valves so if an irrigation line breaks and it effects that homeowners this will no longer be the case.    The Association has till December 31, 2023 to get this situation corrected.

A MOTION was made by Dave Wheeler, Secretary to table the criteria for handling leaks within homeowners units, seconded by Gerry Jones, President.  ALL IN FAVOR.   Discuss was made that Dave Wheeler, Secretary will create a criteria of to handle leaks within homeowner’s unit.

Discussion was made in regards to assessing the Association members with a special assessment for the replacement of the hydro tank for the well system as well as the cost for the back flow preventions required by the DEP.  Harvey Gerber, Vice President had reached out to Michael Reed at Capital City Bank at which he was informed that it was possible to finance the amount needed for the association.  With the attendants of approximately 20 homeowners their opinion was they would rather have a one-time special assessment for these items.  The special assessments would be approximately $476 per unit.  This number is based of $100,000 for the installation of the hydro tank as well as the required back flow preventions.   The date of this special assessment is to be determined and will be mailed to all homeowners within 14 days of the scheduled meeting.

A MOTION was made by Harvey Gerber, Vice President to sign the executed copy of the Standard Operating Procedures for Alliance CAS (collection company), seconded by Gerry Jones, President.   ALL IN FAVOR.

A MOTION was made by Harvey Gerber, Vice President to approve the association to obtain a new appraisal for the association for the price of $4,800, seconded by Skeet Shyner, Director.  ALL IN FAVOR.  Discussion was made that the insurance agent requested that the association obtain a new appraisal since the previous one was too old to use with the insurance quotes.

A MOTION was made by Dave Wheeler, Secretary to table updating the current reserve study until the hydro tank is installed, seconded by Skeet Shyner, Director.  ALL IN FAVOR.

A MOTION was made by Gerry Jones, President to accept the pool contract presented from DS Pool starting July 1, 2023, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary.  ALL IN FAVOR.  Per discussion from homeowners that attended meeting, is not happy with the new pool company and their assistance.  According to them they are not testing the pool correctly.  Setting up a meeting to meet with DS Pool, with Dave Wheeler, Secretary.

A MOTION was made by Dave Wheeler, Secretary to set a date for the budget meeting November 15, 2023, seconded by Gerry Jones, President.   ALL IN FAVOR.  Discuss was made to have it either at YMCA or Beverly Hills Community Center.  Community Manager will reach out to both of them to confirm the date.

A MOTION was made by Dave Wheeler, Secretary to set a date for the annual meeting February 21, 2024, seconded by Gerry Jones, President.   ALL IN FAVOR.  Discuss was made to have it either at YMCA or Beverly Hills Community Center.  Community Manager will reach out to both of them to confirm the date.


A MOTION was made by Gerry Jones, President to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m. with no further business to conduct, seconded by Harvey Gerber, Vice President.  ALL IN FAVOR.


OCTOBER 16, 2024@ 10:00 A.M.
Villages Services
2541 N Reston Terrace
Hernando FL 34442

Click for Agenda