Greenbriar of Citrus Hills BOD Meeting July 12, 2022

Board of Directors meeting was held on July 12, 2022 at the location of Villages Services, 2541N. Reston Terrace, Hernando FL 34442.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order on July 12, 2022 by Harvey Gerber at 7:00 p.m. A quorum was established with three (3) board members in attendance.

Board of Directors in Attendance:

Harvey Gerber, Vice President; Spiro Colivas, Treasurer; and Dave Wheeler, Secretary.    Also others in attendance with Geri Bond, Community Manager and homeowners from Greenbriar of Citrus Hills.

Proof of Notice:

Meeting signs were placed on all mail boxes throughout the complex at 5:00 p.m. Sunday, July 10th.

Adopt of Agenda:

A Motion was made by Spiro Colivas to adopt agenda as posted. The motion was seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary,



Update on Backup Generator:   The tentative date for installation will be July 21st afternoon per Gerry Gaudette, as well as Bob Crane, delivery between 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM approximately.

Debit Card: paperwork will be completed to get a debit card for maintenance man, Tim Bradley. Levy of Fines: Procedure of Levy Fines was approved and discussed more at this meeting.

New Business:

Trimming & cutting trees: Property was walked by Dave Wheeler, Secretary and Geri Bone, CAM. Each tree was flagged with either a 1 = Remove Tree or 2 = Trim tree. Contact was made with 3 separate companies for bids, since this was more than 5% of the association’s budget.

Building Signs: Harvey Gerber, Vice President provided samples of the new signage for the complex. Price on signs were proposed at $11,395 without lights. The company which provided this proposal was FGE Prints.

A Motion was made by Spiro Colivas, Treasurer, to accept proposal for signs and Harvey will proceed going forward, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary, ALL IN FAVOR.

Maintenance Staff: A Motion was made by Spiro Colivas, Treasurer, to increase Tim Bradley’s hourly by $1.00 an hour, seconded by Dave Wheeler, Secretary, ALL IN FAVOR.

 Adjournment: With there being no other business, a Motion was made by Harvey Gerber, Vice President to adjourn the meeting at 7:35{ e motion was seconded by Spiro Colivas, Treasurer, ALL IN FAVOR.


OCTOBER 16, 2024@ 10:00 A.M.
Villages Services
2541 N Reston Terrace
Hernando FL 34442

Click for Agenda